What is Sugar? How do types of sugar affect baking?

What is Sugar? How do types of sugar affect baking?

How does sugar affect baking?

Now in baking the most important ingredient of all is sugar! But what is sugar? Sugar is a type of carbohydrate, and science has classified it in multiple forms such as monosaccharides, disaccharides, etc. Which is to say for a common person it will be simple sugars and complex sugars.


There are types of sugars that not only play a role in how it’s absorbed while digestion but also while cooking. The types of sugar also affect the molecular bilogy and physics while baking, certain types will help you achieve different tastes and faster preparation methods.


Not only that but the chemical composition of the different types will also affect the final product, in the case of fructose which is found in honey or fruits, which tastes sweeter but is easily digested and comprises of far less caloric intake than compared with sucrose which is regular granulated sugar.


There are several ways different forms of sugars are obtained, such as origin or sources, which is to say regularly it is obtained from sugar beets or sugar cane. But also can be sourced from fruits(fructose) or milk(lactose) or even tree sap. Such as maple syrup or coconut sugar.


Then there are chemical processes that give you different types of sugar, just by varying heat or pressure in the regular process to obtain granulated sugar, you can obtain caramelised sugar(heat) or powdered sugar(pressure). Both of these have different uses in the kitchen.


As an expert baker, one should be aware of using sugars as they do tend to have varying consequences if used inappropriately in cooking or baking as it could ruin the food or ruin one’s health.


In the next blog, we shall talk about all the different types and how they are used in the kitchen to obtain different results in simple cooking recipes.